Friday, November 10, 2006

Operation Tagar illustrated

This image illustrates the disengaging EAF flight intermixed with the IAF strike. The combat took place between Ben-Nun, a flight of 4 F-4 Phantom fighters on Armed Escrot, and Mikhail, a flight of 4 MiG-21. With a damaged lead aircraft the EAF flight is trying to get to Wadi Al Jandali, a base northwest from the area shown. While the disordered flight may recover and continue operation, it is more likely that it will land.

The overall area where the combat took place shows two more MiG flights and he incoming strike. Flight 100 will most likely be tasked with SEAD and 102 with Armed Escort. The main force consists of 104 an 105 and their escort 103. The detection phase of turn 8 will show if EAF flights F and H will have a chance to engage the raid or will be taken by an IAF surprise strike as happened to Mikhail in turn 7.

In this image the egyptian strikes are shown. To the right two flights are on the way to El Tasa. A HAWK battery is placed there and the shaded red area shows their effective engagement range. Flight B is fully acquired by the battery and will get shot at during the next turns.
To the left el-Malt and Hafiz, two flights of MiG-17, are outbound after bombing the airstrip at Baluza. Their close escort flight Adoub has been surprised by the AAA at Budapest.


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